Better Call a Designer the design agency

Keeping tracks of your result has never been so easy

My position

Co founder and lead designer

One day a friend of mine came to me and told me that his father was always passing a very long time recording the score of his golf game. My first answer was « I don’t play golf but I am sure their is an app for that ». It happened that no one was doing it, this sounds like an opportunity.

co design
Maquette générale
Maquette générale



For who is playing golf keeping trace of your results is always painful. Even if a game is sold by a result there is a lot of data that are also compared. Most of the golf player don’t keep a real trace of their game but would be ready to pay for a tool that can do that…

The value

Users will not write down their score 2 times and we gone use a responsive service they could use during the game with their phone or tablet. Their is 2 phases : the game time and the reviewing time.

Maquette générale
Maquette générale

The challenge

Golf player don’t seems to be on the edge of technologies. They use paper during the game to mark down the scores. A game is a time of exchange between and also observation of the field conditions. So to fit their need we needed a service that avoid them to lost their focus on the game. On top of that most of them want to be able to check their global evolution on desktop and tablet as well.

The pin point

UI conception

Even the UX value was really simple to deduce, it doesn’t mean it was easy to do. At this time (2014) mobile interactions through HTML 5 were limited (in definition) and we couldn’t afford a huge implementation time. I put great attention to UI, creating optimized illustrations using vector (svg) as much as possible for fluid interaction. Using vector and metaphor make the web service easer to use. Also using a simply classic style to avoid distraction when user are playing.


Adapting the command software to contain emergencies


When luxe industry use IT